What were Quickies!?

Shorter articles and excerpts that are revealing, interesting, possibly amusing, and occasionally factual.

From 2008 through 2015, I wrote little articles I called Quickies! In the beginning, most of my articles on this web site were very long because that’s what my readers demanded—plenty of reason and evidence.

Quickies! were smaller observations about illogical or unethical things Stefan Molyneux said or did, or strange goings-on in his community. They were casual and sometimes light-hearted. And they always had a lead image with some variation of the word “Quickie!”

Whenever I noticed truly weird stuff—like Molyneux’s wife Christina Papadopoulos suddenly and mysteriously disappearing from FDR, or Molyneux using his baby daughter as a marketing tool, or one of his inane logical mistakes—I’d knock out a Quickie!

Today, they’re cheery little nuggets of history tracing the journey of a man who says he stands on absolute principles but changes like a chameleon to fit whatever audience is willing to send him more than $2.00. (Yes, there’s a Quickie! about that, too.)

There were five categories of Quickies!: Ethics, Idle Speculation, Shh…, Snark Tank, and For FDR Members.


Some of these are about Molyneux’s views on ethics. Others are about the questionable behavior of Mr. Molyneux himself.

(March 2010) The passive-aggression principle

The real truth about defooing, according to Molyneux himself, is that it’s a way to hurt people you hate.

(March 2010) “Against me” is for dopes

Is there anything to the “against me” argument?

(May 2010) No more Mr. Nice Critic

A not-so-genteel interpretation of Molyneux’s philosophy by an actual philosopher.

(June 2010) To sell the truth

What happens when you stop pursuing truth for its own sake and start selling it?

(June 2010) My brief experience with Stefan

An interesting account of one person’s encounter with Stefan Molyneux and the inner workings of FreeDomain Radio.

(June 2010) A.C.E.ing out Dr. Vincent J. Felitti

Just as he did with Alice Miller, Stefan Molyneux is now exploiting another doctor’s work…

(June 2010) Abusing Dr. Perry’s brain

How Stefan Molyneux entirely misrepresents Dr. Bruce Perry’s work to make his own points.

(June 2010) Conrad’s Conundrum

The hardest question in the Molyneux universe.

(June 2010) The death of determinism

Why Molyneux’s ban on predictability was, well, predictable.

(December 2010) Detonate the UPB self-detonating argument

Understanding how Molyneux’s True Believers think.

(March 2011) Noesis and the UPB smackdown

Another FreeDomain Radio member does a bravura turn with a Stefan Molyneux masterwork!

(May 2011) Stefan Molyneux on dissociating from statists and theists

Does Molyneux advocate dissociating from statists and theists? He’ll give you every answer except “yes” or “no.”

(July 2011) The Noesis saga—Stefan Molyneux smacks back!

Molyneux’s revenge—the not-so-public execution of Noesis.

Snark tank

Okay, maybe they are a family-destructive cult. Maybe not. Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the little rascals.

(March 2010) Godless crimes against UPB

A thoughtful atheist eviscerates Molyneux’s masterpiece.

(April 2010) Jesus! Me and Molyneux on Mises!

The day Molyneux and I were so close, we almost hugged! Although he still would’t reveal how he really feels about parents.

(May 2010) “Mad Man” of philosophy

How Molyneux creates new brand names for old ideas he, uhmm, “borrowed” from other people.

(June 2010) Christina’s Web

Her husband preaches about the irredeemable evil of parents. She runs a family therapy clinic. How does that work?

(June 2010) Circling bastards

If you haven’t defooed, it’s because you have given yourself brain damage from abusing others.

(June 2010) It’s a good forum

A fascinating insight on what it’s like to be in a family or group run by a narcissist.

(July 2010) Daniel Mackler and the evil fraternity of parents

Why you should never trust a psychologist who is also a parent.

(December 2011) The largest and most popular philosophical conversation in the world!

Freedomain Radio’s “biggest conversation” advertising claim doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny.

(February 2012) The Stefan Molyneux/anti-feminist flap takes flight!

More fallout from Molyneux’s first venture into misogyny.

(February 2013) Splitting $2 with Stefan Molyneux

Molyneux suggests a 50-cent donation for each podcast you listen to. One day, someone actually believed him.

(August 2014) The day Joe Rogan discovered the real Stefan Molyneux

The famous disastrous interview that exposed Stefan Molyneux to the world as a serial liar.

Idle Speculation

I think I have a point, but I’m not sure…

(December 2009) An open letter to Stefan Molyneux

A sad and eloquent reminder that something isn’t right at Freedomain Radio.

(January 2010) Which family? Which curb?

The new year catches QuestEon in a sentimental mood.

(June 2010) My apology to Stefan Molyneux

I thought Molyneux believed most people are victims child abuse. I was wrong.

(June 2010) The triangle in your head

What actually goes on in Molyneux’s one-on-ones with his followers?

(August 2010) Fun with memory!

Freedomain Radio helps you remember your abuse, even when you can’t!

(September 2010) Goodbye, summer

A brief reminder to newcomers about the point of FDR Liberated.

(October 2010) RTR and the death of empathy

Real-Time Relationships is all about empathy, except for people outside of Freedomain Radio.

(February 2011) Once more on the “cult of family”

A few thoughts about a tiresome cliche.

(November 2013) Stefan Molyneux and the Authority Scam

Bill Burr dismisses the argument that Molyneux is an authority. On anything.

(June 2014) Stefan Molyneux—Misogyny or Marketing?

What if Molyneux’s apparent hatred of women is a calculated marketing tactic?


This is stuff that Molyneux and FDR really, really don’t want you to know about.

(January 2009) The FDR “Secret Society” Is it True?

Is the rumor true—the one about a super-secret, invitation-only forum known as “Friends of FDR”?

(December 2009) FDR II: The sequel

After being exposed by the UK’s The Guardian, the “real” FDR begins to slip underground…

(June 2010) The rapidly vanishing Christina

When it first became apparent that Christina Papadopoulos was mysteriously disappearing from FDR.

(June 2010) The sad little life of Izzy, the symbol

Good marketing is where you find it—even if it’s your daughter.

(May 2011) FDR III: The saga continues

Molyneux continues to transform his public image by becoming an libertarian celebrity interviewer.

(June 2011) Purging the purge

After purging itself of Christina Papadopoulos, Freedomain Radio begins covering its tracks.

(March 2013) Stefan Molyneux and defoo, defined

The definitive video guide to the truth about defooing.

(July 2014) Does Stefan Molyneux practice “grooming”?

QuestEon makes an interesting observation about Molyneux and learns a lesson in journalism!

(August 2014) Stefan Molyneux tries to silence another voice

When Stefan Molyneux happily used the gun in the room to get his way.

(August 2014) Exclusive! Stefan Molyneux insider releases blistering critique 

A former FDR inner circle member tells it like it is.

For FDR Members

Some fairly serious thoughts for my visiting friends from FDR.

(June 2010) One thing you never hear in a therapist’s office

Molyneux claims he encourages his followers to seek therapy before defooing. But there are some things they’ll never say.

(June 2010) Defoo checklist

Why not ask an actual therapist what he or she thinks about Molyneux’s “therapy” style?

(June 2010) My defoo response

Someone who was being coached into defooing once stopped by Liberating Minds to ask our opinion.

(October 2011) If you decide to leave the “community”…

The most important article on this blog.